Stephan Tobias | Ischia Blues 1
silhouette photo by marco cortese, 40 x 40 cm, 2023

Blue is the color of the sky and the sea, but for me it is also the color of my dreams.

Blue dreams recently inspired me to do a series of acrylic paintings on paper, based on nude photos of myself, which I then cut and turned into collages.

In my blue dreams I can fly effortlessly, just out of willpower and physical contraction. It feels a bit like when I am bodysurfing or swimming in a strong current.

The cutouts in this series represent both feathers and fishes,
and maybe something else.

In my dreams sky and sea are coming together.

There is an erotic element in most of my dreams, and in the works they inspire. Maybe that’s why there are six fishes and six feathers in each of these collages.